Usama Elyas

How did you hear about Visions for Children e.V.?

I have always been a follower and fan of Wana and that’s how I came across Visions.

What made you decide to support a small association like us?

I prefer smaller associations and feel like I can trust them more, because I automatically assume that half of their donations aren’t going towards covering administrative costs, as is the case with larger ones. It’s positive prejudice, I guess. Besides that, my conversation with Hila sold me. And, as a father I am particularly receptive to issues that affect children. And as a father, I am easily receptive to issues that affect children.

Why do you find it important to get involved in social projects?

It brings my karma into balance.

What does education mean to you?

For me, education is the means by which I can gain access to more equal opportunities. Education was always prioritized at home. I know that to get ahead in life I need to educate myself. In the best-case, education has an enduring effect, which can lead more quickly to independence and – perhaps thinking optimistically – to more self-confident kids.

What used to be your favorite subject at school?

I never had a positive relationship with school. There were only two subjects where I didn’t have problems with the teachers, math and art. If I had had a more positive attitude towards school, I am sure I would’ve been a much better student.

What is the most valuable thing you have learned and taken with you from your school days?

I have friendships that have lasted to this day. Beside that, Christian values were a big topic in school, and I saw many parallels to my own values. I was quite young when I had to start defending my religion; it has certainly left me with some funny stories.


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Visions for Children e.V.
Feldstraße 36
20357 Hamburg


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